Casa Spotlight: Atlanta Children’s Shelter

Categories: Casa Herbalife Programs

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The Herbalife Nutrition Foundation’s (HNF) Casa Herbalife Nutrition program was formally established in 2005 to provide healthy meals and nutrition education to children around the world. Each year, annual grants are distributed to support existing organizations (Casas), who are united in our mission to help children.

The Atlanta Children’s Shelter (ACS) is one of our Casa Herbalife Nutrition partners who provide meals, stable housing, and quality education to homeless families in their local community.

“When I first came to ACS, I was stressed,” said Angela, a parent who currently receives support from ACS. “I had twins that I couldn’t afford to put in school but getting them into the daycare program was a pretty phenomenal resource.” With help from ACS, Angela was able to rebuild her life after experiencing domestic violence.

Since 2005, HNF has provided ACS with 18 grants worth over $500,000, helping 900 children and families.

“If I did not get connected with ACS at the very beginning, I honestly don’t know where children and I would be right now,” said program participant Mackenzie.

Watch the video below to hear more inspiring stories from the members of the community who receive support from the Atlanta Children’s Shelter.

The Atlanta Children’s Shelter’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program is seeking out sponsors to get uniforms for the children enrolled in the kindergarten classroom.

Supporting our homeless families with the cost of uniforms eliminates this financial barrier and allows parents to focus more on their budgets to sustain their households. 

If you are interested in becoming a Kindergarten Uniform Sponsor, please contact Aseelah Williams, Development Director, at [email protected] or (404) 937-5431.This sponsorship will provide uniforms for 10 students enrolled in the kindergarten classroom at ACS. Thank you for your support!**