Cristiana’s Battle Against A Congenital Heart Condition

Categories: Blog

Cristiana was born in December 2015 after a long and difficult pregnancy. Doctors called Cristiana’s parents from the hospital to tell them that their child suffered from a congenital heart condition. Medical professionals said there was little hope. Cristiana needed an oxygenating device for support because she could not breathe on her own.

After two weeks at the hospital, Cristiana received a lifesaving oxygenating device. Child protective services in city connected Cristiana’s parents with SOS Children’s Villages Center so their family could receive the nutrition they urgently needed.

“We were not expecting much, but we met incredible people who really helped us. They got involved in our family’s problems, they consulted with Cristiana’s doctors and provided us with  proper nutrition for our child, with adapted milk, diapers and more,” reflects Krassimir, Cristiana’s father.

Today, Christiana is four years old. “We are happy to say the staff at SOS continues providing help to my wife and daughter. Cristiana still has a heart condition, but her health is improving because of the good care she receives daily through the SOS program.”
