The Importance of Children’s Dental Health

Categories: Blog

According to Seattle Children’s Hospital, poor dental health in children is linked to low performance in school, fewer social relationships and may even lead to less of an appetite. If oral disease is not treated in a timely fashion, the health and achievements of young kids everywhere are at risk. Josh is proof of how important one’s dental health is.

Josh was only 4 years old when he first arrived at Children’s Home of Lubbock in Texas. He was shy, lethargic, underweight and soon became diagnosed as undernourished. Everyday Josh’s nutrition suffered because he refused to eat anything other than peanut butter sandwiches.

As part of the routine evaluation at this Casa Herbalife Nutrition partner organization, Josh was taken to a dental exam for the very first time. The dentist quickly discovered that Josh’s gums were infected and swollen. Because of this debilitating condition, he was in constant pain each time he ate. The staff at Children’s Home of Lubbock helped ensure that Josh received the care he needed to cure his dental condition.

As his oral health improved and the pain eased, Josh began to eat a variety of foods, gained weight and enjoyed playing with other kids! Thanks to the support of this community, Josh was able to improve his diet and enhance his social skills.

Children’s Home of Lubbock has served over 6,000 abused and neglected children over the past 60 years, helping kids across Texas heal from trauma and work towards a better future.

To learn more about our commitment to changing children’s lives, click here. 
